

2022年10月27日に開催されたIEEE World Forum on Internet of Thingsにおいて,准教授の内山・特任助教のHamada・助教の天野・特任講師の水本,の4名がチュートリアル発表を行いました.


Title: 「Sensing, Recognition, and Localization of Humans and Objects for Mobile IoT Applications」
Abstract: Mobile IoT unleashes an extraordinary cycle of innovative applications that target humans, vehicles, and mobile objects, e.g., intelligent asset management. These applications necessitate the smart recognition of objects and their attributes, the real-time tracking of the location and status of things, the on-time understanding of heterogeneous contexts, etc. This tutorial focuses on sensing, recognition, and tracking of humans and objects for mobile IoT applications, which are key enablers for cyber-physical systems and digital twin concepts. The tutorial consists of four parts. First, as for cost-effective and maintenance-free context recognition, we review wireless sensing leveraging RF signal change such as Wi-Fi to recognize various contexts in intelligent spaces. Second, point clouds from LiDAR and depth cameras are also widely used for a precise understanding of 3D physical space. We will review basic point cloud processing, deep learning-based spatial recognition, and applications such as large-scale human tracking in crowded environments. Third, since location is one of the most valuable user-context information, we will discuss the current trends in localization techniques powered by the recent advancement in artificial intelligence (AI). This tutorial will also include the current trends in energy-free location determination technologies. Finally, we show smart healthcare technologies based on sensing data and machine learning for health monitoring to solve the health problem, which is one of the most significant issues worldwide.


  • A Method for Building Recognition from Point Cloud obtained by UAV with Simple Trajectory Patterns
    • Ayumu Harada, Akihito Hiromori, Hirozumi Yamaguchi( Osaka University)
