From October 25th to 27th, 2023, we participated in the 31st Multimedia Communication and Distributed Processing Workshop (DPSWS2023) held at Iso Hanabi in Amaharashi Onsen, Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture,
and made three research presentations. The titles and authors of the presentations are as follows:
花園智行, 天野辰哉, 山口弘純(大阪大学)
Tomoyuki Hanazono, Tatsuya Amano, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi (Osaka University)
Point Cloud-based Fall Detection for Healthcare Applications
Shota Yamada, Hamada Rizk, Tatsuya Amano, Hirozumi Yamaguchi(Osaka University)
Best Paper Award/Outstanding Presentation Award
楢橋昴, 後藤佑介(岡山大学), 平川英司(鹿児島市立病院), 内山彰(大阪大学)
As mentioned above, Mr. Yamada, a Master's first-year student, received both the Best Presentation Award and the Outstanding Presentation Award.
Workshop details are here:
Presented and Awarded at DPSWS2023
Recent Activities
2024 Year-End Party
We held a year-end party in our lab.
Visiting Fellowship and Presentation at UNSW
Associate Professor Hamada Rizk visits the University of New South Wales (UNSW)
First-year Master's student Yui Maruyama presented research at IEEE SECON 2024
EAI MobiQuitous2024
Two Research Presentations at EAI MobiQuitous 2024 in Oslo, Best Paper Award Received
Bowling & Barbecue
A Lab Outing for Bowling & BBQ
Participation at the 130th OGC Meeting
Associate Professor Hamada Rizk delivered a lecture at the 130th Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) meeting.
MBL/ITS Joint Workshop
A joint workshop involving MBL and ITS will feature two research presentations in WiP sessions, and WiP Award Received
First Place Win at the ACM SRC
Associate Professor Hamada Rizk's team won a gold medal at the ACM SIGSPATIAL Student Research Competition.