We did two research demonstrations and one post presentation at the 30th DPSWS (Japanese Domestic Conference) held at Kaike-Onsen, TottoriPrefecture, Japan from October 24 to 26, 2022. The titles of the presentations are as follows
- (ポスター)通信設定がWi-Fi CSIに与える影響の調査
- 大河原一輝, エルデーイヴィクトル, 内山彰(大阪大学)
- (デモ)場の共有を目的とした3次元空間共有基盤の実装
- 水本旭洋, 田中福治, Kala Srikant, 天野辰哉, 山口弘純(大阪大学)
- (デモ)Energy-Free Step Counting
- Shintani Kaede, Rizk Hamada, Yamaguchi Hirozumi(Osaka University)
Program is here