Two research presentations from D2 Fukuharu Tanaka and B4 Kaori Hirano were given at the 86th National Convention of Information Processing Society of Japan held at Kanagawa University, Yokohama Campus, from March 15th to 17th, 2024.
The titles of the presentations are as follows(Japanese Only).
- 「模倣学習型ニューラルネットワークを活用した歩行流制御施策の最適化」
- 田中福治,天野辰哉,内山 彰,廣森聡仁,山口弘純(阪大),中村佑輔(NTTドコモ)
- 「サーモグラフィを用いた暑熱環境における非接触な深部体温推定法の検討」
- 平野華織,工藤寛樹,内山 彰(阪大),桒野 聡,千田泰史(サンワイズ),丸谷賢弘,長谷川凌佑,横山光樹,中田 研(阪大)
The conference information is here.