Since 2002, Professor Teruo Higashino has been leading Mobile Computing Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan. In our laboratory, we are studying algorithms, software, and design methodologies concerning mobile/ubiquitous computing systems such as localization/behavior estimation of smartphones and mobile devices, development of zero-energy IoT devices, edge computing, ITS (inter-vehicle communication), advanced sensing systems, ICT technology for disaster mitigation and healthcare, and so on. We are also studying Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Big-Data science for constructing future smart cities using sensing information from mega-order sensors.

Recent Research Interests

  • Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET)
  • Advanced Sensing Systems
  • Localization and Crowd Sensing
  • Behaviour Sensing and Mobility Estimation
  • Developement of Zero-Energy IoT Devices
  • ITS & Inter-Vehicle Communication
  • ICT Technology for Disaster Mitigation and Healthcare
  • Edge Computing
  • Smart and Connected Communities in Urban Areas
  • Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
  • Big-Data Science
Professor Higashino's research laboratory