We are thrilled to announce that the team led by Associate Professor Hamada Rizk from our lab has achieved an outstanding first-place victory and Golden Medal at the prestigious international ACM SIGSPATIAL Student Research Competition held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, from October 29th to November 1st, 2024. This remarkable achievement was secured after three rigorous rounds of competition, showcasing the team’s dedication, innovation, and expertise.
The award-winning system, SimDeep, is an advanced Federated Learning-based indoor localization system that employs a unique Similarity Aggregation Strategy. The team presented their work in a research paper titled, "SimDeep: An Efficient Federated Learning Indoor Localization System with Similarity Aggregation Strategy," which impressed the judges and audience alike with its novel approach to enhancing localization accuracy in complex indoor environments. This win underscores our lab’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of spatial computing and AI research, and we are excited to see more groundbreaking contributions in the future.
First Place Win at the ACM SRC
Recent Activities
Participation at the 130th OGC Meeting
Associate Professor Hamada Rizk delivered a lecture at the 130th Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) meeting.

MBL/ITS Joint Workshop
A joint workshop involving MBL and ITS will feature two research presentations in WiP sessions.

M1 Nakao to Present at DPS Workshop
Reseach activities at ACM SIGSPATIAL2024
Research presentations and organizing GeoPrivacy Workshop at ACM SIGSPATIAL2024.

JST Meeting for AIP Challenge
On October 25th, Associate Professor Hamada Rizk attended the JST Intermediate Evaluation Meeting for the AIP Challenge 2024,

M2 Student Doyoon Presents at IEEE ITSC 2024 in Edmonton, Canada

D3 Student Tanaka Presents Research at IEEE MASS 2024 Conference

Presentations during the Lunch Seminar at IST
Presentations for Lunch Seminar at IST