Teruo Higashino
東野 輝夫 (ひがしの てるお )
Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Address: Yamadaoka 1-5, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, JapanPhone: +81-6-6879-4558
Fax: +81-6-6879-4559
E-mail: higashino_AT_(correct "AT" to "@" and add ".osaka-u.ac.jp")
Main Business Affiliation:
Professor & Vice President, Department of Information and Computer Science, Kyoto Tachibana University
E-mail: higashino-t_AT_ (correct "_AT_" to "@" and add "tachibana-u.ac.jp")

Since 2002, Professor Teruo Higashino has been leading Mobile Computing Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan. In our laboratory, we are studying about algorithms, software and design methodologies concerning with mobile/ubiquitous computing systems such as localization/behavior estimation of pedestrians/crowds, design and development of context aware services, ITS (Inter-vehicle communication), advanced sensing systems, IT technology for disaster mitigation and green innovation, and so on. We are also studying Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Big-Data science for constructing future smart and connected communities using information from mega-order sensors.